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Archives for 2008

Carpal Tunnel and Casual Observations

If you see a server at your favorite restaurant or a cashier at your local grocery store with a brace on their wrist and ask them what's wrong, chances are their reply will include these three words: carpal tunnel syndrome. For many patients with carpal tunnel symptoms like wrist pain, wearing a brace can be [..]

Fibromyalgia and a New Direction

Over time, the fibromyalgia sufferer can become used to the pain associated with their condition. Being in pain becomes their new normal. It becomes normal to wake up and have pain, even if after a restful sleep. It becomes normal to go out for a simple stroll in the park and have it prematurely end [..]

Headaches and a Short Leg

It's estimate that 15-20% of headaches originate in the neck. That is, dysfunction in the neck can put pressure on the three nerves that innervate the head, causing the symptoms associated with a cervicogenic headache.  The posture of the neck is also important. There is normally a forward curve of the neck, which keeps the [..]

Whiplash and Little Problems

Many of the complaints that patients have when they visit a chiropractic office for the first time are usually linked to little problems that happened years before. For example, a patient may have been involved in a low-speed car accident and now has an issue with their neck. After a thorough examination and x-rays, their [..]

Double-Crush Risks and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Most people with carpal tunnel symptoms think the source of their problem is located in the wrist. While the wrist and hand may be the site of most of your symptoms, the real cause or causes can reside elsewhere along the course of the median nerve, even in the neck. For example, a disk injury [..]

Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic?

Because fibromyalgia patients are often at their wits ends when it comes to finding a solution to their problem, they may be reluctant to consider chiropractic care. Why is that? Maybe it's because they haven't read a good explanation as to how treating joint injuries can result in decreased muscle pain. After all, the pain [..]

Headaches from the Neck?

Cervicogenic headache is the term used to describe a headache that is caused by dysfunction in the neck. Overall, between 14-17.8% of patients with frequent headaches are believed to suffer from headaches of this nature. The following is a list of clinical characteristics common among those struggling with cervicogenic headaches: Unilateral (one-sided) head or face [..]

The NEW Clinical Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain

In this months issue we are going to detail the most recent, comprehensive, and authoritative Clinical Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain.These guidelines were published in the October 2007 issue of the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.An extensive panel of remarkably qualified experts constructed these clinical practice guidelines.These experts performed a review [..]

Low Back Pain and Work Injuries

People who injure their lower back on the job often consult a chiropractor. A 2007 study (J Occup Environ med 2007;49:1124;Wasiak R, Kim J, Pransky GS) looked at the use of chiropractic care to treat on-the-job low back injuries and found that about 89% of workers included in the study initiated chiropractic care within 30 [..]

Whiplash and Balance

Neck sprains that result from a whiplash injury are not simple problems like a sprained ankle because the neck is involved in a lot of important duties other than simple movement. One such function of the neck is to keep you upright and balanced. Balance is complex and involves coordination between your brain and sensations [..]