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Archives for 2010

Whiplash – The Importance of Seatbelts!

Whiplash is a very common problem afflicting millions of people every year. In fact, there are more than 6 million car accidents each year in the United States alone. Death associated with car accidents occurs every 12 minutes and each year, motor vehicle collisions (MVC) kill 40,000 people. For people between 2 and 34 years [..]

Cervical Vertigo

Vertigo is defined as:“a condition in which somebody feels a sensation of whirling or tilting that causes a loss of balance.”To describe the sensation of vertigo, patients often use words such as dizziness, giddiness, unsteadiness, or lightheadedness.The neurological vertigo center is called the vestibular nucleus. The vestibular nucleus is located in the brainstem. It occupies a [..]

Low Back Pain – Seasonal Injuries

Every season brings unique activities that require us to perform some physical activity we may not want to do but have no choice. In the winter, shoveling snow comes to mind (at least in some parts of the country) while spring, summer, and fall may include yard clean up, mowing, and raking. All of these [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) - What Are My Options?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) may be the most expensive of all work-related injuries, costing the average CTS patient about $30,000 in medical bills and lost productivity over his or her lifetime. CTS is primarily found in adults, is 3x more frequently found in woman, and usually affects the dominant hand first. The pain can be quite [..]

Fibromyalgia – Important "Fibro Facts"

So you think you may suffer from Fibromyalgia (FM) and you’re trying to find out more information about this condition… but where do you start? Certainly you can "Google" the word "fibromyalgia" and spend the rest of the day, week, or maybe month reading about the symptoms, clinical signs, the many treatment options, and the [..]

The Various Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain is a very common complaint for which patients seek chiropractic care, though there are several possible causes... Two common causes of neck pain are poor posture (such as a forward head carriage) and repetitive strain (such as long static holding of awkward positions). These two causes are very similar as the head weighs [..]

Whiplash – Cell Phones & Other Driving Distractions!

Whiplash is caused by a sudden movement of the head, usually during a motor vehicle collision (MVC) but it can also occur during sports-related activities and from slip and fall injuries. The combination of the weight of the head (approximately 15 lbs or 7.8 kg) and the length and strength of the neck predisposes the [..]